100 Books In 2024!

2024 was really good to me and finishing my 100th book of the year yesterday, December 30th 2024 is just the icing on the cake for me! I never planned on beating 80 ever so to complete 100 books this year while balancing everything else still amazes me! I immersed myself with books I loved while also consistently keeping up with my book blog. It was really hard at times to push myself, but I remained committed every single day and knew I needed to just keep finishing 2 books a week to stay on track which I did. Goodreads notified me that I am in the top 10% of readers this year. I don’t ever plan on reading this many books in a year again-in fact my goal for 2025 is to read less and cut that number in half and read no more than 50 books next year (if that’s even possible) so I can focus on other areas of my life! Cheers to 2025 and happy reading to all!


The Kansas City Public Library


December 2024 Books