December 2024 Books
Today I finished my 100th book of the year! I am super proud of this milestone and will elaborate more on it in my next blog post. My favorite December read is Bring The Magic Home: An Exploration of Design Inspired by Disney Parks by Sunny Chanel. I love Disney and I love a good design book so this was a refreshing book seeing how people have incorporated elements of design from the parks into their interior spaces. The book gives a bit of a history of some of the iconic rides and artists who have inspired others to create a certain Disney design aesthetic in their home. My favorite artist and space I enjoyed reading about was Mary Blair and her colorful creation of the classic Disney ride, “It’s A Small World”. I love how Mary Blair just went for it by using bold colors and by breaking so many design rules back in the day. She wasn’t afraid to take risks and step outside of the box which is so inspiring. I loved seeing how people recreated the “It’s A Small World” pattern into their homes as each person has a unique take on the colors they utilized to bring the ride to life on their wall in their homes.
I do think they saved one of my favorite Disney Park walls for last, the purple wall. The purple wall is my favorite wall out of every Disney Park and seeing the photos of ways people recreated that wall into their home is so inspiring. I hope that wall never disappears at Disney because it’s different shades of purple and geometric lines blend so well together and it’s the perfect place for a photo op.You can’t deny that the purple wall is the best place to view fireworks at the Magic Kingdom! It’s where you can see Tinker Bell zip line her way from the top of the castle to just above the purple wall during the nightly fireworks show.