80 Books In 2023!
Closing the book on 2023 with 80 total books read! Today I achieved a reading milestone I never set or planned on accomplishing. I can’t believe I read 80 books in 2023! The more you read, the faster you get. I initially only wanted to read 30 books this year but my pace was so fast that I changed my goal to 75 by the time April rolled around. Despite being in school three semesters, working a job, making time for family/friends, traveling, and making time for other hobbies (yoga, Pilates, tap dancing, tennis, etc) I deeply care about, I DID IT! I READ 80 BOOKS!
My 2023 book journal has quotes from all 80 books so I can always go back to the favorite parts I enjoyed from each and every book I read. Occasionally I put post it notes (relating to the book) of words of encouragement in library books paying it forward to the next person that gets the book. I always appreciate it when people bring up my reading and hobbies because that’s what truly lights me up. Goodreads notified me that I’m in the top 25% of readers this year based on how many books I read. Some 2023 reading stats include: over 17,000 pages read, 25 male authors, 20 biographies/memoirs, 16 poetry books, finishing a book on average of every 4.5 days this year, and 4 fiction books read (my least fave genre).
I probably spent about a good 1-3 hours a day reading this year. It’s amazing the things you can achieve when you spend less time on social media/watching TV, and instead just really focus on your own goals and progress instead of comparing yourself to others. In 2020 when I read 52 books I thought I would never exceed reading that many books in a year ever again, but I really shocked myself this year and I’m very proud!
Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany by Jane Mount is the 80th book I read in 2023 and I am pleased to finish it on New Year’s Eve. The meaning of the word “bibliophile” is someone who is a book lover, a person who has a deep love for everything relating to books, including collecting them. I could not think of a more perfect book than this as my last read of 2023 because this sums up my 2023 reading year perfectly. This is essentially a book about books and perfect for every single book lover out there. I love that it covered every single genre of literature, including recommendations and beloved bookstores across the United States and the world. I have added more books to my never ending to be read list thanks to this lovely book.