October 2024 Books
My favorite book I read in October was Jenna Dewan’s book, Gracefully You. It touched on subjects on self-care, spirituality, heartbreak, and self-love. I have read this book once before and it is such a refreshing book to pick up when you’re feeling down and need to uplift your spirts. I would categorize this book in my personal library as comfort food because that’s exactly what it is, it’s a comforting book that also happens to have a few recipes on food. Dewan has a way with words that feels not just relatable, but both times I read it it just spoke to me in such a deep, profound way. I love how she doesn’t shy away from difficult subjects including divorce and co-parenting. Although I have experience with neither situation, Dewan offers helpful tips for navigating a break-up and ways you can navigate change with grace. I love how she includes different aspects of her lifestyle and how she uses her spirituality to enhance her different spaces in her home. Examples of this include different crystals she uses and saging a room to get rid of bad energy.
I thought it was wonderful how she incorporated her daughter into the book and the outdoor fairy garden door she created for her. My favorite takeaway from the book is that at the end of everyday Dewan asks her daughter what was her rose and what was her thorn of the day. This is similar to a pit/peak, but in my opinion this is a way better analogy. I think it’s so important to reflect on this each day, both the good and bad. No day is perfect-it doesn’t matter if you have a dozen roses that made your day, their will always be thorns poking out and that’s just a part of life. By reflecting on our roses and thorns we can accept that the good and bad parts of our day are just a part of everyday life. Hopefully our roses outweigh our thorns so we can stop and smell the roses without getting too caught up on the prickly thorns.