The Long Room at Trinity College
The Long Room at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland remains my favorite library I’ve ever been in to date. I am very blessed to have been there twice. Once in 2020 and a second time in 2023. Both times were very different experiences as some of the photos above showcase books in shelves and books mostly not in shelves. When I went in 2020 I was absolutely mesmerized by the library which was fully shelved at the time. When I visited in 2023 the library had begun their redevelopment project and was mostly unshelved. There were a few remaining rows that had books shelved so guests could get pictures with the photos and see some of the bookcases with their own eyes. What I love most about the long room is just how many books it can shelve and how high the ceilings are. It holds over 200,000 books and was built nearly 300 years ago. That’s a lot of books they had to take down for the restoration project which is still taking place at the library. It remains one of the world’s most iconic and loved libraries. Their are cool mementos and notable books that are in the aisles between the rows of books. One of the cool mementos is the beloved Brian Boru Harp. Ireland is unique with the fact that it is the only country in the entire world to have a musical instrument as its logo. They definitely picked an elegant and beautiful sounding instrument that represents Ireland so well. Below are some photos of books that are displayed that I found very cool to see up close and in person at the library.