Flower Book Art
I’m all about expressing my creativity in everything I do and my most recent creative DIY project I tackled was book art! Their are many different forms of book art and I decided to make a dahlia flower using an old book which otherwise most likely would’ve ended up in the garbage. Taking old books and making art out of them is a great way to be sustainable and also makes a great gift for all the book lovers in your life. This craft took me about nearly two hours and is fairly simple. All you need is cardboard (their are circle templates you can easily find online to create the perfect circle) and an old book with roughly sixty pages torn out of the old book. Once you have your old book you take the opposite corners so they meet in the center and roll them together as they almost look like the shape of a cannoli. Once you have rolled about twenty start on the outside edge of the circle and tape them down. Continue this process as you move towards the middle. Once you get towards the third row toward the center you can take the cannoli shape the roll creates and cut it in half. Lastly roll a piece of a few pages together into a ball to get the creative effect you wish to have in the center. It’s fun, simple, easy, and I guarantee you all your book friends will want a beautiful flower wreath once you show them the one you make for yourself!